系辦公告 - 【學生】2025-2026年赴日本姊妹校(日語組) 交換生聯合甄選作業簡章,請協助公告周知;並請於3月4日(星期一)中午12時前逕送薦送學生資料至本處,詳如說明,請查照。
公告日期:2024-02-20 / 公告人:teacher







國際長 葉劍木



Subject: Submission of the 2025-2026 Tamkang University Exchange Students Internal Screening Guide. (Japanese Group) Please assist in disseminating this information, and kindly ensure that the required student documents are submitted to our office by noon on March 4th.


I.The 2025-2026 Tamkang University Exchange Students Internal Screening Guide (Japanese Group) and a list of partnership universities are attached.

II.The application period is from February 20, 2024 (Tuesday) to February 29, 2024 (Thursday) at noon. Students must prepare the application form (filled out online and printed) and relevant documents according to the deadline set by their department. The application materials should be submitted to the department for qualification review and recommendation. The departments should send the documents to OICSA by March 4 (Monday) at noon.

III.Person in charge: Mr. Jacob Chan, extension 3759.

IV.This activity is linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG4: Quality Education, and SDG17: Partnership For The Goals.


Chien Mu Yeh PhD

Dean, Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs