活動與演講 - 【學生】轉知日本姊妹校關西大學Winter School活動,請惠予協助公告周知。
公告日期:2023-09-13 / 公告人:teacher



Program Description

(一) 活動期間:2024115日至126日。

Schedule: From January 15, 2024, to January 26, 2024.

(二) 活動地點及住宿地點:關西大學(千里山校區)

Location and Accommodation: Kansai University (Senriyama Campus).

(三) 活動內容:英文課、日文課(選修需額外付一萬日圓)、日本商業文化。詳細活動辦法,請詳官網:https://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Kokusai/short_term/program/

Program: English courses, Japanese courses (additional fee of 10,000 Japanese Yen), Japanese business culture. For detailed program guidelines, Please refer to the official website:

(四) 活動費用:25~26萬日圓(包含住宿費、保險費)

 Fee: Between 250,000 to 260,000 Japanese Yen (includes accommodation and insurance fees.)

(五) 活動名額:共60人,額滿不再追加人數。

Number of Participants: A total of 60 participants. No additional slots will be available once the quota is filled.

(六) 須自付來回機票、日本國內交通費、跨國匯款手續費、餐費及生活費、零用錢等。

Participants are required to cover the cost of round-trip airfare, domestic transportation in Japan, international transfer fees, meal expenses, living expenses, pocket money, etc.

二、 申請條件

Application Requirements:

(一) 本校在學學生。

Current students of  Tamkang University. 

(二) 雅思 5.5或托福 [iBT] 72以上或具有同等程度的非母語者。

IELTS score of 5.5 or TOEFL [iBT] score of 72 or above, or an equivalent level for non-native speakers.

三、 意者請於20231027日前申請:

Interested individuals should complete the following by October 27, 2023:


Fill out Tamkang University's event registration form


Complete the online registration on the university's website

(三) 報名完畢三天內將英文版在校證明單(請至行政大樓申請)寄至主辦單位信箱:short_term@ml.kandai.jp

Within three days of application submission, send a scanned copy of the English version of Certificate of Enrollment via E-mail (please obtain this from the administrative building) to the coordinator at Kansai University.

四、 如對於活動內容有任何問題,請洽主辦單位:short_term@ml.kandai.jp

For any inquiries about the event, please contact the coordinator.



國際長  葉劍木